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Tag: performance

PostgreSQL index optimization

PostgreSQL index optimization

Some time ago, I worked on query execution time optimizations for PostgreSQL, I talk about it here: The VISUALVM SQL PROFILE. Kestra is a highly scalable data orchestration and scheduling platform that creates, executes, schedules, and monitors millions of complex pipelines. It’s also the company I work for! The open source version of Kestra uses a database engine, while the Enterprise Edition lets you use an alternative engine based on Kafka and Elasticsearch. The database engine supports H2, PostgreSQL and…

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VisualVM SQL profiler SQL

VisualVM SQL profiler SQL

A little while ago, I discovered the SQL profiler of VisualVM and I thought I should share it with you ;). VisualVM is a tool that provides a visual interface to display detailed information about applications running on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). VisualVM is designed for use in development and production. VisualVM provides lightweight profiling tools including a SQL profiler. This will detect each SQL query (passing through the JDBC layer) and group them in a tabular view with…

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Introduction to Quickperf

Introduction to Quickperf

QuickPerf is a test library for Java to quickly evaluate and improve the performance of your application. The great interest of Quickperf lies in the fact that this is done via unit tests, which allows, after detecting and correcting a performance problem, to have non-regression tests so that it never comes back! You can then continuously evaluate the performance of your application via your continuous integration environment! Quickperf can be used to simply measure performance characteristics, or to assert on…

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Benchmark : conversion from long to byte[]

Benchmark : conversion from long to byte[]

I’ve been using Kafka a lot lately, and in Kafka a lot of things are byte arrays, even headers! As I have many components that exchange messages, I added headers to help with message tracking, including a timestamp header which has the value System.currentTimeMillis(). So I had to transform a long into a byte array; in a very naive way, I coded this: String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()).getBytes(). But instantiating a String each time a header is created does not seem very optimal to…

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Profiling a GraalVM native image with perf

Profiling a GraalVM native image with perf

The GraalVM native-image tool allows you to generate a native executable (or native image) from your Java application. This native executable will start very quickly and have a much smaller memory footprint than a traditional Java application; at the cost of reduced peak performance and a relatively high packaging build time. More information on native executables here. A native executable contains a minimalist JVM called SubstratVM, this one has some limitations: Partial support for reflection Partial support for dynamic proxy…

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Quarkus, jlink and Application Class Data Sharing (AppCDS)

Quarkus, jlink and Application Class Data Sharing (AppCDS)

Quarkus is optimized to start quickly and have a very small memory footprint. This is true when deploying in a standard JVM but even more so when deploying our application as a native executable via GraalVM. Quarkus greatly facilitates the creation of a native executable, thanks to this, a Quarkus application starts in a few tens of milliseconds and with a very small memory footprint: a few tens of MB of RSS (Resident Set Size – total memory usage of…

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