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Tag: postgres

PostgreSQL index optimization

PostgreSQL index optimization

Some time ago, I worked on query execution time optimizations for PostgreSQL, I talk about it here: The VISUALVM SQL PROFILE. Kestra is a highly scalable data orchestration and scheduling platform that creates, executes, schedules, and monitors millions of complex pipelines. It’s also the company I work for! The open source version of Kestra uses a database engine, while the Enterprise Edition lets you use an alternative engine based on Kafka and Elasticsearch. The database engine supports H2, PostgreSQL and…

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VisualVM SQL profiler SQL

VisualVM SQL profiler SQL

A little while ago, I discovered the SQL profiler of VisualVM and I thought I should share it with you ;). VisualVM is a tool that provides a visual interface to display detailed information about applications running on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). VisualVM is designed for use in development and production. VisualVM provides lightweight profiling tools including a SQL profiler. This will detect each SQL query (passing through the JDBC layer) and group them in a tabular view with…

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